Sunday, September 1, 2019

Charitable Works

Charitable Works of The Church

I say it is relatively easy to lead the life of a good Catholic for when we know the tremendous scope of the work that men and women in the Church carry on for God, are we reassured that we ourselves can, at least, lead our simple lives for God. In entering the Catholic Church, you will enter the Church that for nearly two thousand years has done the work of Christ with Christlike zeal. Americans, I know, will want concrete proof for such a statement. They want the facts, but so often it is so difficult to get the facts to them.

Not long ago a non-Catholic newspaper man was assigned to write an article entitled, 'Charity Over the World.' Having but the general impression that the Catholic Church was active in this work, he visited the headquarters of one of its missionary organizations to see what help he could obtain there in the way of facts and figures. For the most part only those activities were discussed which the Church considers her ordinary work. The reporter was astounded.

"What a magnificent organization your Church is!" he exclaimed. "Why it is all over the world, in every nook and cranny, doing good. I never had any idea of this before. Why don't you Catholics tell us these things?"

"Well," replied the official, in charge, "our own Catholics themselves hardly realize the world-wide magnitude of Catholic charity. They too would be astoned if they but knew the half of it. Since the Church is universal, it brings its works of mercy to every human being it can reach, regardless of race, color or creed." Statistics, no matter how complete, tell only a part of the story. Here are some of the figures compiled giving some account of the work done in the mission areas in one year alone.
In 31,410 hospitals and dispensaries over 35,000,000 medical treatments were administered.
In 1,846 orphanages 109,601 homeless children were cared for.

In 409 homes for the aged, 15,089 poor people were given shelter.

In 121 leper colonies 13,265 lepers were given a home and spiritual aid.

In 34,743 schools of all kinds 2,022,058 students were provided with a free education.

And who carries on this gigantic work of Christ? Catholic men and women do, priests and nuns and lay-brothers, in whose souls Christ's faith is so strong, that they are willing even in the first bloom of their youth, to dedicate their entire life to the service of Christ in the service of their fellowman. They are willing to sacrifice all, home and parents and friends, to go to the ends of the earth to carry Christ's message to all men, like the good Samaritan to bind up the wounds of humanity. If further proof were needed, this is the living proof that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. This is proof that she received her mission from the Son of God, He who with His perpetual assistance has made it possible for her to be true to her mission all down the long stretch of twenty centuries even unto this hour.

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