Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Why Not Visit a Catholic Church?


Just as no one should be timid as far as approaching a Catholic priest is concerned, no one should be timid about entering a Catholic Church. The doors are always open every day of the week. Each morning the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered up in the church if there is a resident priest present. All through the day the living Christ is in the tabernacle inviting the silent worshipper. You may enter and feel the quiet presence of God. Religion, you know, is not a thing that should be relegated to an hour or so on Sunday. The Catholic feels that every hour of every day should be consecrated to God and the church stands open every day to invite the faithful to a quiet visit with God.  

And though many outside her fold know little or nothing of Catholic worship or doctrine, this is certainly not the intention of Christ or the Church. As her founder wishes her to be, the Catholic Church is open and frank and honest in her doctrine, her morality and her manner of worshipping.  She has nothing that she wishes to hide.  

But if you enter a Catholic Church, do not be surprised if Catholics worshipping there take little notice of you. They are there for what they imagine you came for, to worship God. Hence they will be intent upon one thing and one thing alone while they are in church, the worship of God. With them you too can slip into a pew, look up at the altar and commune with your God.  

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