Wednesday, August 28, 2019

On The Way Back Home - Chapter 30

The Peace in The Heart of a Catholic

We live in a world today in which the most widespread war in the history of the human race is being waged. The spirit of peace seems to have abandoned the haunts of men. And yet Christ came to bring peace to men. It was the song the angels sang in announcing His birth. "Peace on earth to men of good will."

Peace then should be one of the first fruits of religion. It is one of the first things you will experience upon going home. "My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled nor let it be afraid." (Matt. 14.27)  Christ spoke these words when He was taking leave of His Apostles the night before he died. It was as if He said: in the midst of a troubled world, you need not be afraid; you need not be troubled for my peace will dwell in your hearts, my peace which surpass all understanding. That is the peace that will be yours if you generously and sincerely return to Christ. Peace comes when the human feels secure. But there is no more secure ground upon which to stand than upon the rock of Peter, the rock upon which Christ built His Church. Peace comes when the hunger of the human heart for spiritual food is satisfied, as it can only be satisfied by receiving the bread of angels, the Body and Blood of our Lord. Peace comes when the light and the warmth of Christ's faith floods the soul, expelling all doubt and fear. Peace comes when one experiences that freedom from sin that comes to the soul after one has made a humble and sincere confession of his sins. When the words of absolution fall from the lips of the priest, it is like hearing Christ Himself say: "Thy sins are forgiven thee; go now and sin no more."

Photo:  Women kneeling for Corpus Christi procession in Andorra, France, 1947.

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